i'm nesting! in exactly a week's time (if the schedule we set will be followed) i will be giving birth to another baby girl. i'm so excited. i think this time i'm an expert in baby prep having had to do all these just last year for my first-born. here are the things i've done so far:
cleaned the cabinets extra carefully. i'm very particular with cleanliness especially now that i'm a mom and the ayah is instructed to clean my baby's cabinet regularly and carefully. but i decided to do another cleanup for my newborn. i did it myself to make sure it's done meticulously. this mahogany wardrobe will be shared by my little girls. it's 6 ft by 6 ft by 2 ft. hopefully it will last until they're in pre-school. then maybe i'd have to buy another one for them cuz i know if they have A LOT of clothes now, they'll have MORE as they grow. (they're daddy's wardrobe is maybe 7 times that big. yes. he's obsessed with clothes.)
these are my first-born's clothes in the drawers. arranged as best as we can. her latest hobby is to pick clothes every so often and ask me or the ayah to put it on her :D
these are their going-out clothes. the upper rack is for bunso and lower rack is for ate.
my panganay has A LOT more clothes in the laundry by the way. i don't know how i accumulated that much clothes for her in such short a time but oh well. her little sister will all get it anyway. i don't mind making my bunso wear my panganay's clothes since most of the clothes are still very new and presentable.
my newborn baby's clothes are all ironed to make sure it's sterile. from the laundry woman's hands, to the hampers and cabinet, everything has been sterilized. notice also that the door is tied. it's to make sure my makulit na panganay won't play with her little sister's clothes just like she does with her own wardrobe.
these are my few stocks of drugstore essentials: - paracetamol for their immunizations - vandol ointment as barrier ointment - anti-mosquito wipes - kool fever for emergency fever bouts - pedialyte for emergency diarrhoea - vmv grandma minnie oil's well - alcohol for cleaning - extra avent teats - johnson's baby milk lotion - johnson's baby oil - cotton buds - polyvisol drops & immuzinc drops which i'm only finishing until i give her (my panganay) another vitamin syrup - johnson's top to toe wash, lactacyd, aveeno for newborn bathing - johnson's baby shampoo (of which my first-born is allergic)
these are the bottle cleansers that i hoarded. i know i wouldn't have shopping time for a while so i thought i better buy a lot to make sure my daughters won't run out. i used to buy only pigeon and i still have some left maybe from last year's hoarding. then i decided to save money and buy a cheaper brand from the supermarket since it claims it's also a vegan cleanser. i didnt like it's smell so i went back to pigeon. better expensive than something unsafe for my kids. then the maker of cycles baby laundry detergent emailed me about this cradle bottle cleanser. so the last time i went shopping i decided to get it. it's a bit cheaper than pigeon and it's philippine-made. my only worry is that i bought a lot but have never tested it. i hope it's good. otherwise it will end up as our dish cleanser yet again like what happened with the cheap supermarket brand that i bought.
i love the scent of cycles baby laundry detergent. to save i decided to buy perla white like other mommies use for their kids clothes and then just finish off the laundry with a good fabric softener. but i haven't the heart to change my babies' detergent. i think i'll keep using cycles for until my bunso is 2.
before my eldest was born, i asked my brother-in-law to go shopping and i specifically told him to get me pigeon baby wipes. he can't find it and decided to get johnson's baby softwipes (the pink ones). i used it anyway. at first i find the scent too strong, so when i ran out i bought lots of pigeon wipes. i then found out why johnson's call their baby wipes "soft wipes". my daughter's bottom didn't like pigeon. it's too rough for her. so pigeon wipes ended up in the dashboard for months and i bought more johnson's. only downside of johnson's soft wipes is that it's very hard to find. one time my daughter's only got about 3 packs so i's panicking at the grocery store. then i saw this nivea which claimed to be soft also. i bought it and found out i like the scent of the dark blue one. plus it's almost as soft as johnson's softwipes. the light blue nivea baby wipes though smells like a teenage girl's cologne in my opinion. plus it's more expensive than the dark blue ones. the babyfit wipes, i thought it's smooth but it's not. good thing i bought it when my daughter is almost a year old and not so sensitive anymore. im not buying it again. the johnson's blue wipes, i'll be using for the first-time for my bunso. it says it's unscented so i bet it will be OK for newborn use. (early days of my panganay i only use cotton and water for bottom washing.) but this johnson's blue wipes i think is a lot less allergenic than the pink ones.
diapers diapers. for my newborn i've decided to let her use eq dry exclusively just like her ate and their ate cousin. actually until my first-born started using large diapers, she's exclusively on eq dry as well. it's not the most expensive brand, BUT it's been tried and tested by my niece's bottom. never have my first-born had any diaper rash. then she became malikot so i had to find a way to put on her diapers easily while outside. i tried huggies pull-ups. it sucks. it leaks and not suitable for malikot babies. then i tried mamy poko unicharm pull-ups. it leaks as well. those are the only 2 brands i can find that carry pull-ups in large size. and both stink. so as much as possible i avoid having my daughter use it. if she's not in the malikot mode outside, i still make her wear the conventional diapers. i ventured away from eq dry when my first-born keeps getting awakened at night and even during her daytime naps because of diaper leaks. so i tried using drypers cuz my mom said it's also good (wherever she heard that i don't know). but first day into using it my daughter developed a diaper rash. then followed on pampers active baby. the leaks were minimized but the diaper gets full in less than an hour. so i had to keep changing it and it's still not ideal for sleeptime wear. then i read something about huggies dry comfort, an expensive brand that claims to keep baby's bottom dry for up to 10 hours. yeah right. i change my baby's nappy every 2 hours, 4 hours max no matter what. but i thought it might be a solution for sleeptime wear. but no. it leaked as well. aaaaaaargh.. mamy poko i've been using on-off and it still also leaks. i like its dry feel on my baby's bottom, but it's not enough for me. i want a fool-proof solution. then a couple weeks back as i decided to hoard diapers (without having any idea what to get) a GUY sales clerk in sm baby company went on bragging that pro-kids diapers is very good for sleep time. so having had tried several brands and getting disappointed all the time, i thought there's no harm in giving pro-kids diapers a shot. i just bought 1 big pack of large cuz i dont wanna end up having to put up with lots of mediocre brands like i always had to do because of my hoarding tendencies. i gotta say, i'm impressed with pro-kids. its packaging i dont really like and it's one of the reasons i never paid attention to it before then, BUT now i've learned not to judge a diaper by its packaging. prokids seldom leaked, it gives total dryness on my baby's bottom more than huggies dry comfort ever did (when my daughter is using panties over huggies dry comfort, her bottom sweats!) and i'm saving money. so now i'm very happy with pro-kids. i still have a lot of extra large pampers active and extra large eq dry and large huggies pull-ups for going out and lots of mamy poko from her daddy, but i'll just use it all up and stick to pro-kids :D
here are the suitcases i'll use as hospital bags. i'll show an inside look when i'm finished packing.